I am Natalie. I live in Seattle and am a certified intuitive eating nutrition counselor, helping hundreds of clients since starting my practice in 2011.
I have a unique perspective as someone who has personally struggled with an eating disorder and healed my relationship with food while experiencing first-hand the many different ways our culture promotes and keeps women in cycles of dieting and body shame, as well as where our system falls short in providing care.
I come from a background of competitive athletics and was a former ski racer, competing at the US National level, and I have coached and skied across the US, Europe and New Zealand.
After earning my undergraduate degree in psychology with a concentration in neuroscience from Williams College, I spent several years in healthcare research and corporate healthcare. Outside of work I became certified as a personal trainer and saw many women around me struggling with dieting and body image. Empathizing with them from my own journey, I realized my passion lay in pushing back against diet culture and helping women make peace with food.
I went on to study over 100 dietary theories and train under some of the world’s top health and wellness experts at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I continued growing my coaching experience, becoming a certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, trained by founders of the discipline, Evelyn Tribole, MS, RDN and Elyse Resch, MS, RDN and a certified Body Trust® provider an approach to healing body shame and disordered eating based on the clinical work of Hilary Kinavey, MS, LPC and Dana Sturtevant, MS, RD.
My clients come to me because they are tired of feeling like they are always “falling off the wagon,” tired of thinking about food as either “good” or “bad,” tired of feeling like they know what to eat but can’t seem to figure out how, and tired of struggling with body image.
Questions I often get asked are: Don’t I have to lose weight for my health? How can I trust my body if I am addicted to sugar? If I let go of dieting, how will I not just eat ice cream forever? How can I possibly feel better about my body without losing weight?
Outside of work, I am a proud dog mom, volunteer with King County Search & Rescue, and I love the pacific northwest outdoors whether that’s rock climbing, skiing, running or general exploring.
I’m determined to show up as the best version of myself because I want other women to know it’s possible to heal body shame and disordered eating and learn how to trust their body and live free from dieting.