Had a great time today sharing how to start 2018 without jumping on another diet that will only keep you in the diet cycle and feeling frustrated with your body.
Chelsea Behrens
Chris Cuffee, Fitness Coach
Natalie Joffe, Nutrition Coach
Audrey Godwin, Award-Winning Entrepreneur & Founder of Resilient Business Solutions, Inc.
More about us Speakers:
Chris Cuffee is a fitness coach who uses inspirational tactics and stories to push his clients to the next level. He believes our mindset can determine our outcome, which is why he encourages others to think positive thoughts about themselves, their efforts, and the world around them. One of his favorite quotes is, "Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.” - Napoleon Hill
Natalie Joffe is a certified nutrition coach who specializes in helping her clients let go of disordered eating and diet cycling to create a positive and lasting relationship with food and body.
If you eat “good” all week but find you fall off the wagon on the weekends, emotionally eat in stressful times, know what to eat but can’t seem to actually do it consistently, think about food as either "good" or "bad" and feel guilty when you eat indulgent foods, then Natalie can support you in creating sustainable and positive change.
Audrey Godwin is an award-winning entrepreneur, founder of Resilient Business Solutions, Inc. and champion for women’s economic development. Her trademark Positioned 4 Profit ™ helps contribution centered, smart and decisive women business owners to go from financially stretched to financially secure. Her clients increase cash flow, profitability and personal income while decreasing stress and worry.
As a retired CPA – serving clients as a Trusted Advisor and Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Audrey empowers and equips women to become financial masters that keep more of what they make and leave a financial legacy that is meaningful to those they love.
Audrey believes that financial mastery is not an all or nothing choice, but a series of clear decisions, executed well to get a desired outcome. Her financial success tips have been featured on NBC, The Seattle, Times and The News Tribune, as well as radio shows around the United States.
Her signature Start Here, Get Clear Strategy Session is the starting point for women business leaders who are reach to get the financial results they desire and finally deserve.
Chelsea Behrens is a public speaker who works in our local tech industry. A true story-teller at heart, she is passionate about helping others through sharing her own transformative life experiences.
As the host of this event her intention is to connect people in our community while leveraging professionals with valuable insight for living happy, healthy, and wealthy through the holidays and beyond.