Photo Credit: Supri Suharjoto
Since starting her practice in 2011, Natalie has helped hundreds of clients find freedom from food and body image struggles. From new moms, to athletes, to corporate executives, to famous artists, Natalie’s 1:1 work has helped end years of chronic dieting and create positive and sustainable relationships with food, body, movement and health.
Natalie believes that health looks many different shapes, sizes and lifestyles. She does not provide weight loss programming or use weight as a measure of success.
Free Phone Consultation (20-30min):
· This is an opportunity to ask questions about my approach and to make sure we are a good match for your needs.
Sessions (55min):
· In the first couple of sessions we will talk in depth about your health history and relationship with food and your body. I will share information about the approach of this work and how we will work towards your goals through that framework.
· We will meet weekly or bi-monthly after the initial sessions, depending on your goals and needs which we will determine together.
What you will learn:
· How to eat intuitively instead of relying on external diet rules and constructs
· How to no longer base success on the scale or clothing size
· How to let go of dieting and dieting behaviors
· How to feel more empowered around food and no longer see foods as "good" or "bad"
· How to redefine your understanding of health and nutrition
· How to create a positive relationship with exercise · How to improve your body image
· I work Monday through Friday 9am-5:30pm. I switched to doing Zoom sessions during COVID and am still seeing clients virtually.
· Sessions are $165/session (I do not take insurance). I do offer a couple sliding scale spots.
Health At Every Size® | HAES® promotes flexible, individualized eating based on hunger, satiety, nutritional needs, and pleasure, rather than any externally regulated eating plan focused on weight control.
Primary Food™ | It’s easy to overlook all of the things that contribute to our sense of nourishment and fulfillment. It’s not just the food we eat, but all of the other factors present in our daily lives. Healthy relationships, a fulfilling career, and physical activity are essential aspect to health. When these “primary foods” are balanced, what you eat becomes secondary.
Intuitive Eating | Intuitive Eating is an approach developed to help individuals reconnect with their bodies hunger and fullness signals and heal from chronic dieting. Natalie guides clients in learning how to make food choices in a way that honors hunger and lets go of guilt and food judgment. She teaches the difference between biological hunger, emotional hunger, and taste hunger and how to identify and respond to each.
Emotion Regulation | Food is often used as a coping mechanism for uncomfortable emotions or situations. While eating sometimes for emotional reasons is part of normal eating, when food becomes the only way we know to cope with life and soothe difficult feelings, it is a signal to take a closer look at what is going on. Natalie uses principles from cognitive and dialectical behavioral psychology to help clients learn to understand and cope with stress and other emotions without turning to food. She also educates clients on how habit loops are formed and various techniques for building motivation and sustaining momentum.
Body Trust® | Body Trust®is both a radical paradigm shift for helping professionals and a specialized, practical intervention for healing body shame and disordered eating that addresses internalized weight stigma and moves towards resilience and liberation from individual, cultural and systemic body oppression.