In addition to helping my clients heal their relationship with food, I also do a lot of I work with them on improving body image. Below are eight areas that can help move you from self-hatred to self-acceptance.
1) Clothing
Wearing clothes that fit and that you like helps improve the way you feel about yourself. When clothing is uncomfortable, it is easy to feel like it is your body that is the problem. This same idea goes for the clothes in your closet. What percentage of clothes fit you now and that you like? When we look at old clothes that no longer fit us, it can bring up feelings of shame and frustration.
2) Social media
Pay attention to media that leaves you feeling worse about yourself or creates comparison thoughts. What messaging are you ingesting? Diet culture is loud and pervasive everywhere. Intentionally strive to incorporate more body positive voices in your life. This could be via books, social media, podcasts etc.
3) Self-talk/ self-compassion practice
So often our inner voice is extremely critical when we are struggling with body image issues. We can't shame and hate ourselves into loving ourselves. If we talked to someone else the way we talk to ourselves, that person probably wouldn’t want to be friends with us. The goal with self-talk is to first identify what those critical narratives are. From there the goal is to identify whose voice it is. These messages are typically coming from past experiences and people in our lives, often family members. From here we need to start to create a new narrative. What would you say to yourself if you did feel accepting of your body? What would you tell a friend? We are trying to create a new "internal board of advisors."
4) Movement
Movement can bring us out of our heads and into our bodies and help remind us of what our bodies can do versus just the external aesthetic. Exercising for weight loss just increases the negative relationship with self, but when we can exercise to feel good, to feel strong, to feel less stressed etc, it helps improve body image.
5) Body appreciation
What are the positive ways that your body shows up for you? How does your body help you in your day to day? What do you appreciate about your body? So often we are caught up in focusing on the negatives. Remembering the positives can help us cultivate greater self-compassion.
6) Intuitive eating
When we are dieting, we are sending the message to our body that it isn't okay as it is. When we eat intuitively we are communicating to ourselves that we are okay and deserving of food and pleasure. Also, when we are eating foods that feel good, we will feel better in our body overall.
7) Exposure
Shame makes us want to hide and avoid situations where we are afraid of judgement. The more we hide, the bigger the shame gets. What would you do differently in your life if you didn't feel shame? Identify these behaviors and work towards exposing yourself to them and practicing them. This will reduce the fear and build trust in yourself that you are okay.
8) Cultivate community
Who makes you feel safe and accepted in your life? What are your values and traits that are important to you and that these people respect? The more we can build community and authentic connections, the more we can build from the outside the experience of being accepted which can help us to see our worth.